About Us

What is the mission of Advancing the Interests of Animals (AIA)?
AIA’s mission is to improve the lives of animals and to encourage increased compassion and respect for all living beings. The organization acts directly with focused campaigns to help animals as well as through a variety of educational activities and informational efforts. Its vision is to be an effective, passionate and internationally respected advocate for all animals.
How did AIA get started?
Drs. Lori Kirshner and Peter Spiegel founded Desert Paws in 2001 with a focus on the welfare of dogs and cats in Southern California. Our campaigns and projects gradually grew to include the welfare and rights of all animals around the globe. In 2011, Desert Paws became Advancing the Interests of Animals (AIA) to reflect our expanded scope.
What does AIA do?
AIA is an international organization that addresses animal welfare issues around the globe through public education and focused projects. We encourage people of all ages to treat animals with compassion and respect. AIA’s founders, Drs. Kirshner and Spiegel produce and host a nationally syndicated radio show and podcast, Animals Today Radio. Additionally, AIA supports animal sanctuaries in preference to zoos, combats pet overpopulation, excessive breeding and breed discrimination, and publishes books which advance animal causes.
Where is AIA located?
AIA’s national office is located in Tucson, Arizona.
How is AIA funded?
AIA is a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is completely supported by private donations. Drs. Kirshner and Spiegel donate their time and energy and all board members serve as volunteers.
How can I get involved?
As a non-profit, AIA depends on donor support. Financial gifts of any size are appreciated. Tribute gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one.
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